School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana, June 18-20 2023
2nd Conference on INternational Finance; Sustainable and Climate Finance and Growth
Future Finance and Economics Association and University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business
2nd Conference on International Finance; Sustainable and Climate Finance and Growth
FFEA and University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business, invite you to submit papers for the second CINSC. This follows the very enjoyable and successful first, in Napoli in June 2022
We welcome all papers and workshops in the broad fields of International, Climate and Green finance, welcoming in particular their interactions with each other and how they can aid the sustainable growth of economies, corporations and organizations. Papers that examine these issues on their own are welcomed, but papers which examine the overlaps, interstices, conflicts and concordances are highly welcome!
For more information see here
Papers and extended abstracts, as well as proposals for workshops and panel discussions, should be submitted by 13 March 2023
Submissions can be made here; https://conference-service.com/ffea-ljubljana-2023/welcome.html
Decisions will be provided by Mid April.
About the Conference
Keynote Speaker : Professor Boqiang Lin, Xiamen University
Lin Boqiang obtained his BA degree in economics from Xiamen University and a Ph.D in economics from University of California at Santa Barbara. He was a principal energy economist of Asian Development Bank before he joined Xiamen University in 2006. He is currently a “Chang Jiang Scholar” Professor, Dean of China Institute for Studies in Energy Policy and Director for China Center for Energy Economic Research at Xiamen University; Vice Chinaman of China Energy Society; Member of National Energy Consultation Committee under National Energy Commission; Member of National Energy Price Consultation Committee under National Development and Reform Commission; Member of Board of Directors and Chairman of Audit Committee of China National Petroleum Corporation; Special Analyst for China Xinhua News Agency; and Guest Commentator for China National Radio. He is currently also a member of the Energy Partnership Advisory Board and member of the Global Agenda Councils on Decarbonizing Energy of the World Economic Forum based in Davos Switzerland, and was the Chairman of the Global Agenda Councils on energy security. He has published more than 190 academic papers on energy economics and energy policy He has provided extensive support to the Chinese Government departments on energy reforms and energy strategy development. He is also an advisor to Ministry of Finance and People’s Bank of China on energy issues. He has extensive media coverage on energy policy and energy issues in China.
PhD Symposium
PhD students will be eligible for a reduced registration fee. We will hold a PhD symposium and networking event where we will explore publication strategies, new developments in research and career development strategies. More details will be provided to registrants.
Conference Logistics
- Conference sessions will take place at the School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana. The Gala Dinner will take place at Union Hotel
- The conference will be in person only.
- Sessions typically last for 90m, and contain one workshop/roundtable or three papers with discussants.
- Authors of accepted papers will be required to also act as discussants.
- We do not issue visa letters or letters of support.
- Conference fees are all inclusive of meals and supporting documentation
Indicative Schedule.
Sunday June 18: 1400-1700 PhD Symposium/ Journal Board Meetings
Sunday June 18 : 1730h PhD Networking Event
Monday June 19: 0830-1730 Conference, Keynote speaker, workshops
Monday June 19: 1900 Social Event
Tuesday June 20: 0830-1730 Conference, Meet the editors, workshops
Tuesday June 20 : 1900 Gala Dinner, prize giving.
Special Issues of Journals - for more information click here
- Finance Research Letters - all conference topics ; Guest Editors Matej Marinč and Igor Lončarski, University of Ljubljana
- Energy Economics - Monetary Policy, Interest Rates and Energy/Climate Investments ; Guest Editor Brian Lucey Trinity College Dublin.
- Journal of Climate Finance - Green Central Banking; Guest Editor Brian Lucey, Trinity College Dublin
- International Review of Financial Analysis - International Financial Linkages in an Uncertain World ; Guest Editors Matej Marinč and Igor Lončarski , University of Ljubljana
- Research in International Business and Finance - Banking and ESG ; Guest Editor Vincenzo Verdoliva, University of Napoli Parthenope
- Risk Management - Financing Climate Risk Mitigation ; Guest Editors Brian Lucey, Trinity College Dublin and Yizhi Wang, Cardiff University
Papers for these special issues must be presented at the conference. Which journal, if any, will be requested at submission. It is NOT mandatory to select a SI to attend or present. Please refer to the journal websites for details on submissions. Note that submissions are NOT open yet.
Conference attendance fee is likely to be in the region of €400-500.