Pavillion of Prince Teng, Nanchang, China. Source

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Jiangxi University of Economics and Finance, NOVEMBER 2021
Challenges in Economic and Financial Modelling.
Future Finance and Economics Conference
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, NOVEMBER 2021
Challenges in Economics and Financial Modelling
Please note - with continued concerns around the path of the C19 pandemic, we have taken the decision to postpone the conference to early November. Already paid and registered submissions remain in the system. We will make a final call approx. 2 weeks prior to the date.
FFEA and the Institute of Industrial Economics, Centre for Regulation and Competition of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics invite papers that address challenges in economic and financial modelling. Indicative topics include
- Algorithmic economics
- Artificial Intelligence in financial decision making and modelling
- Climate, green and carbon finance modelling challenges
- Deglobalization and regionalization of the international economy and its challenges for modelling
- Econometric applications of tools from epidemiology, biology & physics
- Machine Learning applications in financial and economic forecasting
- Modelling causal inference in economics and finance
- Modelling challenges of and from the digital economy
- Modelling financial and economic integration and interrelationships
- Modelling international capital flows
- Regulatory challenges in a digitalised economy
Papers should be submitted by 30 July 2021
Decisions will be provided in late July.
Papers and extended abstracts may be submtted at https://conference-service.com/ffea-nanchang
The conference will operate on a HYBRID basis; you will be asked to select inperson or online attendance on submission and again on registration.
Sponsoring Journals
Finance Research Letters (Impact Factor 3.5)
International Review of Financial Analysis (Impact Factor 2.5)
Economic Modelling (Impact Factor 1.9)
International Review of Economics and Finance (Impact Factor 1.4)
Selected papers will be invited to submit to these journals ( fees may be waived) by a committee consisting of Professor Brian Lucey (Chair), Professor Samuel Vigne, Professor Youwei Li and Guest Editor Tong Fu, of the Institute of Industrial Economics, for expedited review.
Conference attendance fee is €250
Email : ffec2021@hotmail.com (Tong Fu) ; info@ffea.eu (Brian Lucey)
Within China ; +86-791-83816310 (Tong Fu)
Outside China : +353-1-8961552 (Brian Lucey)